We Want Snow! by Jamie Swenson


A group of youngsters imagines the cold-weather delights they'll enjoy once winter arrives. From sledding down hills and skating on ponds to building snow forts and snowmen to sharing crackling fires and mugs of hot cocoa, they want snow and plenty of it! The snow can't arrive soon enough. But once the flakes start to fall, are the youngsters in for more than they bargained for? We Want Snow: A Wintry Chant by Jamie A. Swenson illustrated by Emilie Boon was published in September 2021. 

Well, we are waiting for the big snow storm that is suppose to start this afternoon. So what better what to wait then check out some our snow filled books. The illustrations in this book are bright and colorful and bring all the joy-filled fun that snow brings once it finally comes. Cassie and Mason both loved this book and started to chant with it, "We want snow...." I loved the repeative nature of the book which was great for kids to help "read" the book. I highly recommend checking out this winter tale book. 


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