Hello by Fiona Woodcock


A brother and sister enjoy a brilliant day full of spills, thrills, and silly adventures in this playful story comprised only of words that contain a double L. There are plenty of spills and thrills as a brother and a sister collide in bumper cars, ride roller coasters, toss beach balls, and act silly in the chilly ocean water, where they meet a jellyfish! This playful concept-and-story book is idea for new readers. Hello by Fiona Woodcock was published in May 2019. 

This is my first book by Fiona Woodcock that we have read in my house. I have to say that I was so disappointed in it. I felt like there was no story-line and that it lacked a lot. They could have gone so much talking about the things of summer. I felt like this would have been the perfect summer book. The illustrations were amazing and colorful. My kids really enjoyed all the colors throughout this book. I don't recommend checking out this book at all. 


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