Pigs Make Me Sneeze! by Mo Willems


Gerald believes he is allergic to his best friend! Will he have to stay away from Piggie forever? Pigs Make Me Sneeze! by Mo Willems was published in October 2009. This is book ten in the Elephant & Piggie book series. 

This one is so funny. When I sneeze a lot I like to joke with who ever is next me caused it because I am allergic. I think it's so funny that it was created into a book. Cassie and Mason loved this book so much. They thought it was so funny anytime Gerald sneezed. Of course you have to be dramatic to sneeze. I love how it took awhile and my kids loved guessing on what was causing him to sneeze. This is a great book and I highly recommend you check out this Mo Willems book. 


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