Waiting for Snow by Marsha Diane Arnold


We love snow in our house so we are always waiting for snow to arrive. In this book, Badger cannot wait one more minute for it to snow. When his friend Hedgehog explains that everything comes in its time, Badger is as unconvinced and impatient as ever. But Badger's friends have a few tricks up their sleeve to try to get the snow's attention and distract their pal in the meantime. Waiting for Snow by Marsha Diane Arnold and illustrated by Renata Liwska was published in November 2016. 

I read this to Cassie who is only two years old and she loved looking at the illustrations. The illustrations colors are soft which reminds me of winter. I also loved that the characters in this story. I love the story-line that it was simple enough for my two year old to understand but it's not boring to read. It's such a cute story-line and worth a read. 


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