25 Days till Christmas: Santa Knows by Cynthia Leitich Smith and Greg Leitich Smith


The second day of Christmas, Santa brought me a new book to read aloud to my four kiddos. In this book Alfie F. Snorklepuss tells everyone he doesn't believe in Santa. The man in red packs up Alfie and brings him to the North Pole for an attitude adjustment. Santa Knows by Cynthia Leitich Smith and Greg Leitch Smith was published in September 2006. 

My kids liked the character in this story as the name of the main character is just a funny name. They thought it was funny that Alfie sounds like Elf. The book is really great and really talks about how we should treat others. Because Santa always knows when we have been good or bad. The illustrations in this book are really colorful and really show the feelings each characters have. I recommend checking this book out. 


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