25 Days of Christmas: The Longest Christmas List Ever by Gregg and Evan Spiridellis


On the 15th day of Christmas, Santa brought my kids a new book to read for bed. In this book, little Trevor is determined to not leave anything off his Christmas list so he carries it with him everywhere. When he tries to send it through the post office he has a problem. It's too big. The Longest Christmas List Ever by Gregg Spiridellis and Evan Spiridellis was published in August 2007. 

All four of my kids gave this book a thumbs up that they liked it once we were finished reading. They really enjoyed this story and listening to Trevor list as it got longer and longer. This book was really nice as it has a lesson for all kids to learn. That is that no matter what stuff is not important. It's our family that matters the most. I felt for Trevor's parents at the very start of the book, this mama would have gotten rid of all the presents for sure if my kids did that to me. The illustrations in this book are amazing and really help tell the story. I think all parents should read this book to their kids. 


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