We're Going on a Ghost Hunt by Susan Pearson


Four children who go out at night in search of a ghost. After squish-squash-squooshing through a swamp, rustle-rustle-rat-a-tattling through a cornfield, and overcoming all kinds of obstacles on their journey, they come face to face with a ghost in safety of their warm, cozy house. We're Going on a Ghost Hunt by Susan Pearson illustrated by S.D. Schindler was published in September 2012. 

This is such a cute book for Halloween. I love that it has the same rhyming that the original has. So in the past few days I have read this book almost daily to my kids. They really enjoy this book and love reading it with me. Yes, even my ten year old enjoys this book. This book is really catching and will get stuck in the readers head. It's cute and teaches how to make sounds into words. The illustrations in this book are amazing and colorful. They fill the whole page on each page. The kids had a blast looking at each picture. Even better the characters each have different personalities shown in the pictures. It is pretty easy to read there are some parts that it would trip me up but it was easy to recover. It was a lot of fun and it a book I recommend checking out. 

Check out here for Halloween Books. 

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