The Pigeon Has to Go to School by Mo Willems


Why does the Pigeon have to go to school? He already knows everything! And what if he doesn't like it? He already knows everything! And what if he doesn't like it? What if the teacher doesn't like him? What if he learns TOO MUCH!?! The Pigeon Has to Go to School! by Mo Willems was published in July 2019. This book is apart of Pigeon series. 

We have been reading a ton of Pigeon books and really any book by Mo Willems in our house. Mason absolutely loves Mo Willems books and to tell you the truth they are the perfect books for a person to learn how to read on. Mason loved this book and it really made him giggle throughout the book. He loves the silly antics of Pigeon and all the ways he tries to convince the reader to do something. These books are really easy to read aloud if you want to get the audience involved in the Pigeon. You could pretend to be the Pigeon and the audience can keep telling you no as it's a one side conversation. It's a really cute book in a unique way that Mo Willems writes his books story-line. The illustrations are simple but colorful and really draw your eyes. My kids like drawing Pigeon on their own. I recommend any of his books especially this book. 


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