No Reading Allowed: The WORST Read-Aloud Book Ever by Raj Haldar and Chris Carpenter


We had a busy evening last night so we didn't have a lot of time. But I still try to get a book reading in for my kids. In this book, it talks about you can't believe everything you hear. A single word can have many different meanings. Sometimes two words that sound alike can be spelled completely different. This book talks about the fun language when homophones, homonyms, and tricky punctuation are in play. No Reading Allowed: The Worst Read-Aloud Book Ever by Raj Haldar and Chris Carpenter illustrated by Bryce Gladfelter was published in November 2020. 

I really like this book as a mom but it was really hard to read aloud to my kids. I agree it's most likely the worst book to read-aloud. I did like how they show that it depends on the context on what each sentence and word can mean. My kids did not like this book, it didn't keep their attention and there was really no story-line when their could have been a story-line. The illustrations were not really interesting so I don't recommend checking this book out. 

Check out other Ginny's book list. 

Check out other Miles' book list. 


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