Polar Bear's Underwear by Tupera Tupera


I love finding books that make my kids giggle and giggle. Polar Bear has lost his underwear! Where could it be? I don't know how he could lost his underwear when it should be on him. Go through the book and find all different shapes and colors of underwear and figure out if it's Polar Bear's or someone else's underwear. Polar Bear's Underwear by Tupera Tupera was published in January 2013. 

This book is so so fun. I love the illustrations and love that there is so many different types of underwear and creatures that you often see at the zoo. Cassie giggled a lot of this book and kept shouting no when she took a guess if an underwear was Polar Bear's. This book is really easy to read aloud which is perfect for the toddlers. This book is so cute and silly for all kids. I am so happy that I choose this book to read to my kids. I recommend checking it out. 


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