Happy Pi Day to You! by Bonnie Worth, Aristides Ruiz, and Joe Mathieu


I love Dr. Seuss books and especially love finding books to explain something that my kids are struggling with. Of course on Pi Day, we were on vacation in Michigan so we celebrated it up there. We of course pie for dessert and giggled at the fact that we were eating pie on pi day. So when we came home we checked out this book to learn about what pi is. This book explains how to measure circles and calculate pi in the love of math and numbers. He also shows how to make a perfect circle outside in nature. Happy Pi Day to You! by Bonnie Worth, Aristides Ruiz, and Joe Mathieu was published in February 2020. This book is apart of The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library series.  

I loved how this book was basically a non-fiction book on a sugar rush. I love how it goes in depth and uses the correct math terms. It's a great book to introduce the concept of pi with kids and learn the vocabulary. My kids enjoyed this book some what they didn't like how long it was and grew bored towards the end. But this book was really good and the illustrations are colorful and really draw your attention to it. The book is a little hard to read-aloud but it's worth checking out for sure. 


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