Bumblebee by J.V. Wilson


From the moment the queen bee first wakes from her winter hibernation, she is looking for a site to build a colony and reproduce. As she flies from flower to flower collecting nectar she takes pollen from one to another, enabling plants to produce seeds. Eventually she finds an old mouse hole where she begins building the wax honey pots which will form the physical colony or hive. Bumblebee by J.V. Wilson illustrated by Adrienne Kennaway was August 2011. 

This is a cute book about bumblebees. I try to tell my kids to leave the bees along and they will leave you alone. I also remind them how important they are to our life. I do wish this book didn't use illustrations but pictures of the bees doing the items. But this is a fiction book so it's not surprising that it had illustrations. The kids really enjoyed this book and learning about how important bees are to our world. Also learned some new facts about it. I recommend checking this out. 


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