Thanksgiving Rules by Laurie B. Friedman


Percy Isaac Gifford's Official Thanksgiving Decree: I officially command you to eat EVERYTHING you see! Percy knows just what to do to get the most out of this delicious holiday. And so will you if you follow his ten simple rules. Thanksgiving Rules by Laurie B. Friedman illustrated by Teresa Murfin was published in January 2009. 

I don't know about you but I always enjoyed Thanksgiving as a kid. My parents always made it where they never forced us to eat any food on the table. We got to choose how we ate Thanksgiving dinner. We do the same in my own family. It's too much pressure and it ruins Thanksgiving when you force kids to eat certain foods. Such as I have one child who makes himself either a lunchable or pizza rolls for his meal. None of my kids eat turkey but they will try a single bite of it which is wonderful. Anyways, this book is really neat and I love how he list different rules on Thanksgiving. Such as he list that he puts everything on his plate and tries at least a bite. Then after he goes to the things he really likes for a second helping. I love all the fun rules in this book and I think it's a fun book to read to kids. Cassie really enjoyed looking at the illustrations as I read the book. She even asked to keep it in her bed to reread it. This book is really easy to read aloud and I had no trouble stumbling around the words. I even used the book as a way to ask my kids what rules would they list. One of which thinks we need a rule that they must watch the Macy Day Parade. 

What rules would you want to list for Thanksgiving? 


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