The Iridescence of Birds by Patricia MacLachlan


If you were a boy named Henry Matisse who lived in a dreary town in northern France, what would your life be like? Would it be full of color and art? Full of lines and dancing figures? The Iridescence of Birds: A Book About Henri Matisse by Patricia MacLachlan illustrated by Hadley Hooper was published in  2014. 

This is such a cute story that tells about Henry Matisse. This a person that I didn't know much about but it was neat how the author and the artist worked together to create this story about him. I learned a few things about him that woven into a story with a story-line rather then just facts about him. The illustrations in this book are beautiful and colorful. They really helped tell the story. Cassie really enjoyed this story and it was just nice to know that she was learning something outside our norms. I highly recommend that you check out this book. 


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