Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Melanie Watt


Scaredy  Squirrel is not too comfortable with the idea of camping ...unless it's on his couch! There will be no mosquitoes, skunks or zippers to worry about when he watches a show about the joys of camping on his brand-new TV! But first Scaredy must find an electrical outlet, and that means going into the woods! Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Melanie Watt published in 2013. This is book seven of Scaredy Squirrel series. 

Mason absolutely loves Scaredy Squirrel series and keeps checking them out from the library. Me....not so much enjoy reading the books. They are really hard to read aloud as they are all over the place. Also there is not much of a plot to these books. It's more like a guide book for squirrels then a book to read cover to cover. The illustrations in this book are simple and yet it's colorful. Mason loves reading these books on his own. So I recommend them for independent reading for a second grader. 


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