Book Review: My "A" book by Jane Belk Moncure

I have the whole series of these books so look for a review every week using this book. "My "a" Book" by Jane Belk Moncure is apart of the Jane Belk Moncure's Sound Box books and was first written in 1977. So it's been around for a long time. You follow a little boy named Little a and he fills a box with things beginning with the letter "a" and then he gets a ride with someone.

So when I am teaching like I am currently with Mason and Cassie. We take a literature walk. Which I will write about on a different post. Then since this book is really to help kids learn how to read and Mason is four years old. I helped him learn how to read it. On the first day of the week Mason would repeate each word after me as I pointed the letter. Then through out the week I pause on simple words such as the letter A. More and more words I stop reading and let him read it to me as a point. Hopefully, by Friday he is reading most of the page and I am listening to the book and pointing along. When he doesn't fill in the word where I pause I try to direct him to look at the picture for clues. This book has clues everywhere in the illustrations. Okay...more of my steps later.

So I really love these books. I got them handed down to me from someone else that was done reading them to her kids. This book is so sweet and really simple little story. Yes, moms and dads it does have a small story line. It's really cute story and my kids love trying to read the story. I love the illustrations in this book as they are colorful and really draw your eyes to the pages.

This book will stay in my hands till Cassie heads off to school herself.

Check out other books on our Walk Through the Alphabet. 

Check out other books on Mason's 1000 books before Kindergarten. 


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