Book Review: Stuff: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by Steven Kroll

I love finding books that promote recycling and that try to bring the awareness to kids of all ages. In our family we recycle and the kids help by knowing which bin to put things in. They also help take the trash out and about how we don't waste food. So we decided to check out, "Stuff: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" by Steven Kroll. 

In this book it's about a packrat that completely does not want to recycle. He just keeps packing more and more junk while the pile keeps getting bigger.

I really wanted to like this book but it seemed like it was going no where. The text seem to bore the kids too. But the illustrations in this book were full of color and told a story by themselves. they really brought the book to life. My kids loved to just look at the pictures.

I wouldn't recommend reading this book. :(

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