Book Review: UnsuperMommy: Release Expectations, Embrace Imperfection, and Connect to God's Superpower by Maggie Combs

Maggie Combs is passionate about helping mothers recognize their imperfections as opportunities for God's unending strength. She is a mom of three busy boys. She blames their unending energy and solid build completely on her tall, active husband. She escapes from her crazy by spending time with her husband and her kindle. Her family is currently building a house on the hobby farm she grew up on.

In UnsuperMommy: Release Expectations, Embrace Imperfection, and Connect to God's Superpower is about how no mother can live up to supermommy expectations. Thankfully, God isn't looking for perfection. He's calling on imperfect moms to be faithfully plugged into his superpowers. Maggie talks about expectations every new mom faces - for her baby, personal appearance, housekeeping, marriage, parenting, and more. She shares that by having three babies in three years God used the trenches of motherhood to transform her life, releasing her from the pressure of perfection.

I received this book for my review on net-gallery for free. I really enjoyed this book and how it connects mother-hood to Heavenly Father. I deal a lot of jealousy as a parent of three and one who has autism a lot. I can't ever keep them not gossiping wherever I go. This book really hit home for me in how I am as a mother. How Heavenly Father can help me become who he wants me to be and also my three children. How I am not alone in all that I am feeling. I really enjoyed at the end of each chapter she gives you challenges to complete. It really helps on using what she wrote about in everyday life. I think the cover may need some help as when you see the cover it doesn't draw your eyes as much. I recommend reading this book to new moms and old moms a like.

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