How to Cheer Up Dad by Fred Koehler


Little Jumbo just can't understand why his dad is having such a bad day. It couldn't be the raisins Little Jumbo spit out at the ceiling or the bath he refused to take--after all, Little Jumbo's dad knew he hated raisins and had already taken a bath that week! Luckily, Little Jumbo is such a thoughtful elephant that he decides to turn his dad's bad day around with some of his dad's favorite things. How to Cheer Up Dad by Fred Koehler was published in March 2014. 

So as a parent reading this it made me giggle a lot as I am sure some of my kids antics of misbehaving is them trying to cheer me up. Cassie and Mason giggled through out this book so much that I thought they were going to have an accident. They loved this book so much and loved Little Jumbo's silly antics. Especially where he is running away from the bath. The illustrations in this book are simple but they get the point across and are still a lot of fun. I really enjoyed this book as a mom because it just shows the different thinking of a parent and a kid. The parent is most likely thinking, "Why isn't my kid behaving today?" Where the kid is thinking, "I am doing all my parents favorite things and they are still not happy." It's a really cute book. This book is easy to read a loud and point to all the fun things on the page. Also I used this book to talk about how sometimes when we do things it doesn't always mean a good thing for the other person. Also reminded them the rules in our house. It's a cute book and I highly recommend it. 


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