An Extraordinary Egg by Leo Lionni


It's an extraordinary day on Pebble Island for three frogs when one of them discovers a beautiful white egg. They've never seen a chicken egg before, but they're sure that's what this must be. So when the egg hatches and out crawls a long green, scaly creature, they naturally call it ....a chicken! An Extraordinary Egg by Leo Lionni was published in January 1948. 

I love finding classics to share with my own kids especially books that I read growing up. I have always enjoyed reading Leo Lionni books. The illustrations are amazing in this book so much. I also really enjoy the story-line in this book. Leo Lionni really knows how to make regular day things into characters in this book. Cassie really enjoyed guessing what was in the egg. She giggled so much when she found out what creature was in it. I recommend you to check it out. 


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