Book Review: Dance is for Everyone by Andrea Zuill

In our house we have random dance parties. Usually it starts by me turning on music and soon Ginny will start dancing then Mason and finally Miles. It makes us giggle and laugh about how funny we move our body while dancing to random music. In this book ,"Dance is for Everyone" by Andrea Zuill is about a alligator wanting to dance ballet. The dance teacher and her dance class were very surprised but tries to communicate with the alligator. Can they find a way to include the alligator into the dance.

My kids thought this book was so funny watching the the alligator try the many different dance moves needed. I loved how that the students tried to help the alligator and when they found out that what they were currently doing wasn't going to work. They adapted the program so that way the alligator was included. Much like those with disabilities. This story helped me talk about others and their disabilities but also those who are not good at one thing. In how we can include them into our own activities. It was interesting to see my kids thoughts and understanding. As sometimes even in our own home we have to do things differently because of Miles and his disability. That way he is feeling included and helps to make it fair for everyone. The illustrations in this book are very simple and could be different and more colorful.

Check out other books on Mason's 1000 books before Kindergarten here.


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