Let's One on One

So I have four kiddos of my own. They each have their own personality and their own struggles. I find that one-on-one time is so important for them but also for me as well. We giggle and have a lot of fun. Especially now that we are home all the time one-on-one time is even more important. My husband does one-on-one by playing video games snuggled up with them. I decided I needed to do something. One thing is that I want to encourage my kids to fall in love with reading. I have a huge love for reading and I really use it to explore the world but also to escape at times. I rather read a book then to watch TV or play video games. So I decided that I need to do one-on-one time every day with my kids by reading a book with them. So, my older three, I sit or lay snuggled up to them reading a chapter book with them. My youngest Cassie doesn't have that much attention span so we are reading children picture books before nap and before bed snuggled together. We are currently reading different series together.

Ginny and I are currently reading the series Unicorn Princess. Since she is in fourth grade we each take a turn reading a page. We also read two chapters every night.

Miles and I are currently reading the series Eerie Elementary. I usually read the book and will point to words that I forgot what word it is.

Mason and I are currently reading the series of A to Z Mysteries. Mason is not reading yet on his own so I read it.

Now, that you know what books we are currently reading. Let me tell you that it's not just reading and snuggling. I also use this time to work on comprehension. My kids have a hard time with comprehension and to tell you the truth it took years for myself to get my comprehension skills up. So this is what kind of questions I ask my kids as we are reading.

  • What is this chapter about? 
  • What did you notice that might be important to remember later?
  • What surprised you in this chapter?
  • What confused you in this chapter?
  • What life lesson did you learn? 
  • What are some important things that happened in this book/chapter?
  • How do you think the character is feeling?
  • Did you experience this and how did it make you feel? 
  • What did you enjoy and did it keep you interested in this book? 
Of course these questions don't work with Cassie but I use this time with Cassie to talk about what we see in the picture. Such as if there is an animal I usually ask her what does it say. But I also ask questions above and do a think aloud so she sees what I am comprehending. My kids have no clue that I am working on their comprehension of the book. They just think mom is wanting to know what I think. 

I hope that this helps you. Remember reading doesn't have to be forced but it can be fun. 


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